Welcome to Wiz3 !

It's been a long time since this game was first put up on this site. Since that time, plugins such as Java and Flash have been removed from most browsers for security reasons.

There is still a way to play this game, though. First, you need to download and install the Java runtime from java.com. Then you need to click on the BIG! link and check the box to allow the game to run as an application.

Alternatively, you can download the runtime 'jar' file wiz3.jar and run it locally, either by double-clicking the file, or by running java -jar wiz3.jar from the command line.


Keyboard Controls Powerup Spells
Arrow Left/Right: Walk
Arrow Up : Enter door
Arrow Down : Duck / Invisible Spell
Control or Space : Jump
P : Pause
S : Start Game
R : Resume Game
F2 : Redefine Control Keys (in game)
Higher Jump - just that little bit further.
Invisibility - press duck to use, you can't move tho'.
Double Jump - press jump again at highest point of jump.
Flame Resistance - walk through fire.
Helper Sprite - banish everyone in your path.
Restore Spell - get back those hard earned spells.

Guide Wizio the Wizard as he journeys through a magical land. Collect the potions as you go to create spells that will help you on your way. Use the keys to enter locked doors and hidden treasures. Throw the levers to get to reveal new routes and bonuses.

Not working? Problems? Comments? -- Please drop me a mail with any feedback you have.

Wiz3 is brought to you by the number 14,991,338,361,953,636,352 and the colour Isabelline.